
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Rookies Graduation Stage Greet

A stage greet event to commemorate the completed production of the popular TBS drama turned movie 'Rookies Graduation' was held on 14th April. The event was attended in full force by the popular cast and the director, Hirakawa Yuichirou.

The original was a comic by Morita Masanori, depicting the touching story of a group of delinquents in a baseball club as they work their way towards the mecca of high school baseball, the Koshien. The movie is set as the third year students go through their last summer in school.

The audience went wild as the Nikogaku members appeared on stage in their uniforms. To the shrieks of the crowd, the members touched on what the movie means to them.

Ichihara Hayato, who plays Aniya Keiichi, was already in tears as he greeted the audience. "It is really my honour, to stand here before all of you, it makes me very happy. This production is truly a 'monster'. There are no other words for me. Please go back home with 'Rookies Graduation' deep inside you."

"What does Rookies mean to you?" was the question posed for the cast. Shirota Yuu said,"We spent meaningful time together. Something genuine that went beyond the drama was there." Kiritani Kenta commented,"Rookies was not work. It was a part of life." Sato Takeru said,"For me, Rookies was youth!"

For Yamamoto Yusuke, who is newly introduced in the movie, he too was filled with gratitude. "At first I thought I might be crushed by the pressure I felt but thanks to the support of my comrades, I was able to become a Rookie too!"

Finally to sum it all up, the lead actor, Sato Ryuta said,"To me, Rookies is a precious treasure. Our soul is poured into this work."

Rookies Graduation opens on the 30th of May.

TBSの大人気ドラマの映画化『ROOKIES 卒業』(5/30公開)の完成披露舞台挨拶が開催。熱血教師役の佐藤隆太に、不良高校野球児を熱演した、市原隼人、小出恵介、城田優、高岡蒼甫ら人気キャスト、平川雄一朗監督と、総勢14名が勢揃いした。


舞台挨拶では、ユニフォーム姿の市原隼人ら二子玉川学園高校(通称ニコガク)のメンバーたちが現われるなり会場は大興奮! 黄色い歓声が上がるなか、メンバーたちが本作への熱い情熱を訴えかけた。






いや~、ドラマさながらに登壇者たちの思いは熱い! いわば彼らにとっても"卒業"作品となる『ROOKIES 卒業』だから、最後の勇姿をぜひ見届けて。【MovieWalker/山崎伸子】


Moving to something a little gossipy, it was noted that Miyazaki Aoi's hubby, Takaoka Sousuke was not wearing his wedding ring during this event. He was wearing it during the Crows Zero 2 event on the 11th.

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On Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

thanks for the pic^^
awww i really gonna miss the whole casts...
Sousuke and Kenta attend both Crows Zero and Rookies graduation XD

i really hope Sousuke and Aoi marriage gonna be fine coz they such an adorable couple^^


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