Saturday, May 09, 2009
Mizobata Junpei

So here's the breakdown.
- Late one night, Junpei together with 3 guys and 3 girls went to a restaurant in Shibuya. Junpei was seen leaning his head on the shoulder of a tipsy Reina.
- After they left the restaurant, they went for karaoke.
- At some point in time, the 3 guys left, leaving Junpei with his harem.
- After that, one of the girls took a cab and left.
- Junpei, Reina and Satoumi left the karaoke place.
- The 3 of them took a cab and headed to Reina's place.
- They spent 5 hours
playing Monopolythere then Junpei and Satoumi left Reina's place together.
- Walking close together, they dropped by a convenience store, bought drinks and stuff and headed to Satoumi's place.
Comment from Junpei. "That evening was the first time I met Satoumi-san. As pointed out by Friday-san, I went to her house. I am conscious of the fact that Satoumi-san is a beautiful lady of the opposite sex. I will reflect on this incident deeply."
Satoumi looks a little old for him, but cute.

The other one, Reina, pulling him around in the pictures, YABAI!

Labels: For Grumpiggy, Gossip and Whatnot, Mizobata Junpei
Full Post »Friday, May 08, 2009
Mizobata Junpei
Hot gossip!
Statement from Ever Green Entertainment.
To all the fans who have given your support for Junpei.
Thank you for always giving Mizobata Junpei your warm support.
Due to Junpei's careless behaviour as is reported, he has caused concern for his fans. We apologize for the trouble caused.
As an agency, beyond matters of work in the entertainment world, we also guide our charges in self-restraint in their private lives.
In this matter, the person himself will reflect on his actions deeply.
Always serious and honest tackling his work, please believe in his words. Believe that he is not betraying his fans.
It is our hearfelt hope that you will continue to support Mizobata Junpei from now on.
Please take care of him.
May 2009
Ever Green Entertainment
And from Junpei's blog.
8th May 2009
To fans who have given me support
This report has surprised the fans and I am deeply sorry for its contents.
Blessed in an environment where I am given the privilege of working, undoubtedly I was conceited.
It resulted in inviting misunderstandings.
I, who have come to Tokyo and got caught up in it, will deeply reflect on my actions. I want to be an adult who can manage my own conduct.
I will devote myself to it.
So did Junpei make a naked pond dive in a park? ;)
Mizobata Junpei has been FRIDAY'd with not one but two, older women!
So far, I've only seen the headlines so can't really tell what's the story but the gist seems to be that he visited their homes, one after another, late at night. The caption says something like 'Beautiful women home-hopping!' The two girls involved are 23 year-old model Satoumi and 22 year-old talento Reina. Reina has also written an apology on her blog.
I always made fun of Junpei to Grumpy, telling her that he looks like a lost boy from some far-flung countryside. This gossip was a surprise but he has actually ramped up my interest a notch now :D
Labels: For Grumpiggy, Gossip and Whatnot, Mizobata Junpei
Full Post »Monday, May 04, 2009
Inoue Mao
First lead role after graduating from Meiji University
First lead role after graduating from Meiji University
4th May 2009

Actress Inoue Mao (22) finished filming for the movie 'Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu' on 3rd May (movie opens nationwide on 24 October). She has just graduated from Meiji University in March but in the movie, she plays a high school student. "Perhaps this is the last time," she said, clad in a uniform.
During the days of Kids War and Hana Yori Dango, she appeared in school uniforms. While her long hair makes her more adult-like now, she still looks like she fits in the school set, with her uniform and blazer.
"The very next day after graduating from university, I had the school uniform on. I was worried how it would turn out. So how is it? Can I still pass off as one? (Graduating) made me feel like an armour has come off. It was difficult but it felt natural to be doing school assignments together with work. I'm still thinking of how to make use of time now. I hope to absorb a lot from watching plays and movies and reading."
Following on last year's hit movie 'Hana Yori Dango Final' which made 7.7 billion yen, she again plays a high school girl in love, a role which she might have a monopoly on.
"The role of Makino Tsukushi in HanaDan was someone younger-sister like who is helped by the people around her. The character this time, Taneda Mayu, is the one who supports her boyfriend."
The role of her boyfriend is played by Okada Masaki (19), a promising actor with a string of recent movies like Honokaa Boy, Halfway and Gravity Clown.
"It's the first time with someone younger, at first, when he used polite terms I felt embarrassed. And furthermore since I have graduated from university, I ended up in that position. I felt unsure. To the staff, our roles were about the same. But I think it's because even at the same age, girls mature a little faster."
During interviews, she plays pranks on Okada and on location, she is affectionate to him like a sister is to a younger brother. It is a different atmosphere than on the set of HanaDan with the older Matsumoto Jun and Oguri Shun.
"Looking at such a fresh Okada-kun, thinking of those two in student roles anymore is just impossible (*laugh*). Well, I'm thinking, this is probably the last for me too. It was my intention to give my everything to this movie."

井上 大学卒業式の翌日から学生服を着ちゃって、自分では大丈夫かなって心配でしたけど、どうです? まだいけます? (卒業して)よろいが取れた感じです。大変だったけどずっと学業と両立が当たり前だったので、これから時間をどう使おうか、考え中。お芝居や映画を見たり、読書をして、いっぱい吸収したいです。
井上 「花男」の牧野つくし役は、周囲に助けられる(妹的な)存在でした。今度の種田繭は恋人を支えるたくましいキャラクターです。
井上 年下は初めてで、最初に敬語を使われたときは、恥ずかしかったです。大学卒業もすると、そんな立場になるんだなぁと。しっかりしなきゃ。スタッフには、役柄の2人と同じみたいって言われてます。女の子って、同年代でも精神年齢は高いですから。
井上 フレッシュな岡田君を見ちゃうと、あの2人はもう学生服は無理ですね(笑い)。って私も最後かもしれないなぁ~って思いながら演じました。この映画には私のすべてをささげたつもりです。
[2009年5月4日11時43分 紙面から]
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Sunday, May 03, 2009
Staff Blog
3 May 2009
An excursion?

Hello, "A" here!
Today too, we're continuing filming on location!
Morning's filming has ended, and it's time for lunch.
Team BOSS is really close. They're even together at lunch time.
It looks like they're out on an excursion.
KenKoba-san said to Mizobata-kun,
"Today Junpei isn't genki [upbeat], usually you're really noisy."
"Did something happen yesterday?" Tamayama-san joined in, laughing.
"Nothing of that sort~ I'm always the same," replied Junpei-kun.
Sitting at the side, Nukumizu-san was smiling.
Ah, when nobody's watching, is he a mysterious person!?
Who is it~?
In time, everyone will understand.

What? I don't get this post. I thought I was confused doing the translating, but when I checked on that blog's comments, the readers there are just as confused lol.
Junpei... is he the mysterious one? What's he doing late nights to make him tired for filming >< ?!
Labels: BOSS, Mizobata Junpei
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