Saturday, November 01, 2008
Inoue Mao Staff Diary
1st November 2008
Plain Clothes & Personal Things
1st November 2008 01:33
We did work for non-no yesterday, which we have not done for awhile.
By the way, the photo shows her in her own plain clothes today.
She said she's off to school after this but maybe it's an appointment about the graduation trip perhaps ?
Seems like she has signed up for a bargain-priced tour so look forward to her travel tales from now on ♪
The beads Hug Strap fixed on the mobile phone was cute so we clicked a pic !

2008年11月01日 01:33
Labels: Inoue Mao
Full Post »Mizobata Junpei
31st October 2008
As expected, when it's cold !

Good evening !! Sorry for not writing the blog (*u_u)
Lately, it's been getting colder day by day ne !! It'll be November already tomorrow after all (^-^) By the way, it's Halloween today ! The streets are filled with people in costumes !! Is everyone doing something too ?
As for me, I'm not doing anything ↓ Come to think of it, I don't remember doing anything when I was a kid either. I was embarrassed to dress up in fancy costumes and anyway I didn't really like sweets that much ! But I wasn't lacking in mischief and playing pranks though !! *laugh*
The photo, you can see that this season has definitely come round ne ! The half-body bath o(^-^)o Once you do it, you can sleep well ne ! Your body feels really refreshed too ! It's very effective and what I've been using lately is germanium (*^-^) You can work up quite a good sweat so everyone, give it a try too ↑
Filming Haran Bakusho tomorrow !! I'll try to keep up the high tension with all my might o(^-^)o
Haran Bakusho
Happy (belated) Halloween ! The picture scared me ! ..・ヾ(。><)シ
Labels: For Grumpiggy, Mizobata Junpei
Full Post »Friday, October 31, 2008
Mizushima Hiro
No comment on relationship with Ayaka
Mizushima Hiro, no comment on relationship with Ayaka
31st October 2008

Actor Mizushima Hiro (24) who was caught by the weekly publication, Friday, on a date holding hands with singer-songwriter Ayaka (20) attended the opening reception (held on the 30th) of Tiffany's flagship store in Ginza which will re-open on the 1st of November. To the question of," Is there a lady that you want to present a Tiffany to?" he just smiled and had no comments, quickly leaving the hall. The reception was also attended by Itoh Misaki (31), Kuroki Meisa (20), Sawamura Ikki (41) and An (22).

2008.10.31 05:00
Labels: Ayaka, Mizushima Hiro
Full Post »Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mizushima Hiro & Ayaka
More on the date
Mizushima Hiro & Ayaka, sharing an umbrella, mutual love date !
30th October 2008

News of romance between ikemen Keio University graduate, actor Mizushima Hiro (24) and singer-songwriter Ayaka (20), who is known for her big hits such as Mikazuki, suddenly surfaced on the 29th. A shot of the 2 of them holding hands and sharing an umbrella will appear in the weekly magazine Friday that goes on sale on the 30th.
According to the magazine, on a rainy October evening, the 2 of them sporting huge sunglasses, alighted a taxi at the corner of Azabujuban in Tokyo. Cuddling close together under the plastic umbrella Mizushima was holding, they entered a Kyoto restaurant and spent about an hour and a half having dinner. Then they came out and under the umbrella again, they drew closer and with their right hands held tightly, entered a taxi and alighted later at a luxurious tower apartment.
Both are from the same agency, Ken-On. Ayaka sang Okaeri, the theme song for the drama Mizushima starred in last spring, Fuji TV's Zettai Kareshi ~Kanzenmuketsu no Koibito Roboto~ Ken-On stated, "The agency has no comments on the matter. However, both are already adults..." It looks like they entrust the private matters of the 2 of them to themselves.

2008.10.30 05:05
Labels: Ayaka, Mizushima Hiro
Full Post »Mizobata Junpei
28th October 2008
Healing !

Good evening !! You can already catch the whiff of winter in Tokyo (^-^)/ Just as you think that summer has ended, it's going to be winter in no time at all ne !! Getting up to cold mornings is such a bother ↓(*u_u)
The photo is of the healing book that I've been reading lately, Gachapin Nikki 2 !! I received it from Oguri-san o(^-^)o And what's more, it's autographed ! *laugh* (>_<) For some reason, he decided to write something for me there (^O^) The Gachapin Blog is really cute isn't it !! You can see Mook and P-chan there too ! Gachapin is a big influence in my work and personal life and I'm learning by watching (*^-^)b
Tomorrow is shuzai day ! I'll do my best (*^ー^)ノ
shuzai → interviews, photoshoot, covering events etc.
Gachapin →
Labels: For Grumpiggy, Mizobata Junpei
Full Post »Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Hiro & Ayaka Ai Ai Kasa

Mizushima Hiro (24) and singer-songwriter Ayaka (20) were caught holding hands and sharing the rabu-rabu umbrella by Friday. It will be out in tomorrow's issue.
The relationship came out of the blue. When did it start ? When Hiro was in Zettai Kareshi, Ayaka sang the theme song but that's neither here nor there. Anyway both are from the same agency, Ken-On, and relationships within the agency are alright. Karasawa Toshiaki and Yamaguchi Tomoko, both from Ken-On married in 1995. Some people are wondering if this is just to drum up publicity for his drama but it's unlikely that they'll go to such lengths just for that. Ken-On might make an official statement on the matter.
Entame Scoop

Ayaka's Official Website
Ken-On Agency (His profile is right above hers :|)
Labels: Ayaka, Gossip and Whatnot, Mizushima Hiro
Full Post »Hana Yori Dango Final
Kids Drawing Contest

Grand Prix Winner
Minami-chan, 12
Prize : Saturn Necklace

Makino Tsukushi Award
NekkuresuHoshii-chan, 11 (I want the Necklace-chan lol)
Prize : Changing Strap & Charm Collection vol.1 (Uniform and Saturn)

Doumyouji Tsukasa Award
HanadanDaisuki-chan, 13
Prize : Changing Strap & Charm Collection vol.2 (Mobile phone and Car)

Hanazawa Rui Award
2NenseiNiNarimashita-chan, 7 (I became a 2ndgrader-chan)
Prize : Pouch & Book Cover

Nishikado Soujiroh Award
Arienaittsu-no-chan, 11
Prize : Clear File & Towel & 5 Colours Pen Set

Mimasaka Akira Award
F4Daisuki-chan, 14
Prize : Tsukushi Keitai Mirror & Decoration Seal (Pink)

Producer Award
Adamu-chan, 14
Prize : Cross Strap

BooBo Kids Award
TsukasaNiAitai-chan, 5 (I want to meet Tsukasa-chan :D)
Prize : Hana Yori Dango Final x BooBo Confectionary Set

Producer Setoguchi pored over everyone's masterpieces and said, "Everyone really watched the scenes in the movie and drew them out well ne !" He seems really happy, you know ♪
TBS Kids
大好き!花男 にがお絵コンテスト
おめでとう!! 豪華[ごうか]賞品はコチラ!
・ブーブ★キッズ賞:花より男子ファイナル×BooBo お菓子セット
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
24th October 2008
A little more...
24th October 2008 22:27
The coordinator who helped us out with the photobook and when we were on location for Hanadan in America, Ayako-san, came to Japan for a visit. So the staff from that time gathered for a meal.
Since Mao took a break for her graduation thesis, it's been awhile too since we met with Mao-chan.
When we asked, it seems that she has completed 90% of it. Splendid~!!
With that, is there the sense that everything is in order and circumstances are right to get back to work ?
By the way, around the beginning of November, we can let you know the details of her work for next year so look forward to it !

For the second gathering, we went for karaoke.
The selection of songs available were only from the 80s so we thought Mao-chan would be like 'I don't kno~w' or 'I hadn't even been born yet'.
Unexpectedly, she coolly picked out our favourite popular 80's songs.
Everyone was doing karaoke for the first time in awhile so we were really enthusiastic♪
It was a night of fun.

2008年10月24日 22:27
Labels: Inoue Mao
Full Post »Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hana Yori Dango
Birth of the 8 Billion Yen Couple

Reporter : The topic of a celebrity couple being born is the talk of the town.
Copy Editor : What's that ?
Reporter : The 2 leading actors in the movie Hana Yori Dango Final for some reason, seems suspicious.
Copy Ed : Who ?
Reporter : Arashi's Matsumoto Jun and Inoue Mao.
Copy Ed : Both are young stars but why do you call them celebrities ?
Reporter : Hana Yori was a big 8 billion hit, and Matsumoto and Inoue are also active in singing and acting respectively.
Copy Ed : Is that so ?
Reporter : Inoue has even been nicknamed the 10 Billion Yen Actress.
Copy Ed : Really ?
Reporter : During the drama, both of them overcame many troubles before ending up together, and it seems the same happened in real life.
Copy Ed : Hm~m.
Reporter : It was said that while Matsumoto was doing a photo shoot for a free paper, his phone rang and Inoue Mao's name was indicated on his mobile phone.
Copy Ed : Isn't it normal to call ?
Reporter : Most youths nowadays usually settle things they have to do by mail but Matsumoto's manner was strangely restless, leading the staff present to think that there was something suspicious going on.
Copy Ed : Maybe he wasn't able to relax because he was in the midst of work ?
Reporter : There's also the possibility that there's a more complicated story behind it.
Copy Ed : But even so, their relationship has not been visible at all.
Reporter : There's been many dates indoors at each others homes. But it seems like they have not been caught with a shot together yet.
Copy Ed : But Aibu Saki and Nagase Tomoya have been caught when they borrowed DVD for their indoor dates, you know.
Reporter : Inoue is number one among the young pros, she keeps in mind that she has to be vigilant about what's going on around her and not be caught off-guard.
Copy Ed : Are the two of them 'going for the goal' like in the movie ?
Reporter : For that, unless you ask the persons concerned......
Copy Ed : ......
(This article appeared in Nikkan Gendai on the 25th of October.)

芸能バトル 80億円カップル誕生か (ゲンダイネット)
記 者 セレブカップルの誕生で話題が持ちきりです。
デスク 何だそれ。
記 者 映画「花より男子ファイナル」に主演した2人がどうもあやしいってもっぱらなんです。
デスク 誰だよ。
記 者 「嵐」の松本潤と井上真央です。
デスク どっちも若いタレントなのに、どうしてセレブなんだよ。
記 者 「花より」は興収80億円近いヒットを記録しましたし、松本も井上もそれぞれ歌手や女優として大活躍してます。
デスク そうなのか。
記 者 井上にいたっては"100億円女優"のニックネームがついているほどです。
デスク へえ。
記 者 劇中で2人はトラブルの末に結ばれますが、実生活でもデキちゃったといわれてます。
デスク ふ~ん。
記 者 フリーペーパーの仕事で松本が撮影していたところに電話が入って、携帯電話には「井上真央」と表示されていたというのです。
デスク 電話くらい普通にするんじゃねえか?
記 者 最近の若者はたいていの用事をメールで済ませますし、松本の態度が妙にソワソワしていたため、スタジオにいたスタッフが「くさい」と思ったそうです。
デスク 仕事中で落ち着かなかっただけじゃねえのか。
記 者 込み入った話をしていた可能性もありそうです。
デスク それにしても、2人の関係は全く表に出てねえよな。
記 者 お互いの自宅でのインドアデートが多いので、なかなかツーショットがキャッチされないそうです。
デスク だけど相武紗季と長瀬智也はインドアデートするためにDVDを借りにいく現場をキャッチされているぞ。
記 者 井上は所属プロの若手ナンバーワンですから、周囲への警戒を怠らないように心がけているのでしょう。
デスク で、2人は映画みたいにゴールインしそうなのか?
記 者 それは当事者に聞いてみないと何とも……。
デスク ……。
[ 2008年10月28日10時00分 ]
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »With Yuu #231008

23rd October 2008
All Night Nippon♪
Completed without a hitch ☆ It was really fun ! Shun-kun is funny in a way no one else is (*laugh*) It's been awhile since I laughed like that (^O^)
Will all of you listen to it ??
Shirota Yuu's All Night Nippon R will also be on the day after tomorrow, so please listen !
Well then, I'll do my best in surgery today too (^O^)/
The photo is with Shun-kun ★

Grumpy did surgery on the pic before it got here ;D
Labels: Oguri Shun, Shirota Yuu
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