Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hana Yori Dango Final
Cinema Pia File 1

Engagement announcement from Doumyouji Tsukasa !
"I, Doumyouji Tsukasa, am formally announcing that I will be married next summer !" as he faced the world at a grand press conference taking place in a hotel, Doumyouji Tsukasa continued. Even during such an important scene, Hanadan's renowned weak-in-Japanese Tsukasa made a serious slip of the tongue. Look forward to what kind of phrase it's going to be ! Throughout these series of wrong words he blurts out, Matsumoto Jun does sometimes ad-libs.
I'm gonna be slow as a slug doing these cinema pia files. The kanji I can't read can't even be copy-pasted. Anyone with better grasp of Japanese doing them ? I'll just give it a shot anyway, for Hana Yori Dango ♥ \(^-^)/
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final
Full Post »Aura #150308


15th March 2008
White Day
Good evening !! Today too thanks for everything !! Today is White Day ?? I was thinking while realizing I was late in updating the blog ↓↓ Just a few minutes ago, I woke up... I rushed and took a photo but it's over ↓↓ I dozed off... Sorry !! At least, for White Day, I got up and managed to post a photo ne ('-^*)/
Recently, with the drama and other work, I haven't been able to update but with everyone waiting for me everyday, I can't slack off ne (^O^)/ Tomorrow we'll be filming in a Japanese style park in Tokyo !! It's really scary !! I feel this weird aura that a ghost is going to appear or something !! Kimura Ryou-kun said I can strongly sense this kind of thing so.. I feel something ne !! We're quarrelling over such things (*laugh*)
I'm really Kayashima ↓↓
Kayashima heh heh. He'll never shake off the aura.
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »Friday, March 14, 2008
With Yuu #140308


Rookies ☆
14th March 2008
It was crank-in today ! We captured the spirit of Nikogaku Nine perfectly and with the cooperation of the extras, filming went very smoothly on the first day ☆
During the noon break, the only in Japan Pizza-la bus came, bringing along some freshly-made pizzas ! It was delicious (^O^)
I'll do my best tomorrow too ♪ Good night (^_-)-☆
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Thursday, March 13, 2008
Puzzle News
27th February 2008
[ 2008.02.27 ]
休当たりのアクショシーンなど撮影快調 !

4月の放送開始に向け、順調に撮影が進んでいる『パズル』。この日は、静岡県のとある山中で、石原さとみさん演じる主人公の女教師・鮎川と、山本裕典くん、木村了くん、永山絢斗くん扮する男子学生3人組が、真犯人によって絶体絶命の窮地に追い込まれるシーンの撮影が行われました! 実際に焚かれた身の丈以上の炎の壁に囲まれながら、迫真の演技を見せた4人。ハリウッド映画を超えた(!?)迫力の映像は必見! さらに別の日には、高さ100m近くはあろうかという断崖絶壁での撮影や、巨大な岩が頭上から襲いかかってくる(!?)シーンの撮影も! 学園ドラマと思いきや、学校内のシーンはほとんど皆無!? アクションや謎解きがふんだんに盛り込まれたストーリーは、まだまだ謎だらけ! 4人が揃って語ってくれた和気あいあいとした次の最新コメントから、不思議な物語の世界を予想してみるのも楽しいかも!?
山本 : このドラマ、本格ミステリーでありながら、意外とアクションシーンも多いんですよね
石原 : そうそう。3人は剣道をやっているという役柄だから、それを活かしたアクションがあったり、私は犯人に追われて必死に逃げるシーンがあったり
木村 : この前は、崖から落ちるシーンもあって。どうしてもって言われたんでやりましたけど、あの崖、200mくらいはあったかな?
石原 : 全然ないよ(笑)! でも、アクションの撮影は大変だけど、やってて楽しい。テンション上がります!
永山 : 今後もそういう緊張感あふれるアクションシーンの撮影は多くなると思うので、視聴者の方にはぜひそのへんも楽しみにしてほしいですね!
石原 : 私は、かつてないほど自己中心的な先生の役なので、皆さんに新しい教師像を面白いと感じてもらえるよう頑張って演じたいと思います!
木村 : 僕らは、文武両道の優等生役。普段とはまったく逆の役どころだよね
山本 : そもそも、そんなに頭もよろしくないし、実際、撮影の合間に3人でバカやってたりするし(笑)。ただ、仲良しでいつも3人一緒にいるところは、劇中のキャラと似てるかも
永山 : そういう部分で、3人の雰囲気というか、コンビネーションを作れているので、それを演技にも活かせてるんじゃないかと思います
石原 : とにかく脚本が面白いですし、本格的なミステリーの要素はもちろん、ハラハラドキドキのアクションシーンやクスっと笑える小ネタもたくさん入っていますので、皆さんはぜひ放送を楽しみにお待ちください!
27th February 2008
Hard-hitting scenes and all, filming going smoothly

Starting its broadcast from April, the shooting for Puzzle is proceeding well. Today, in the mountains of Shizuoka, Satomi Ishihara-san who is playing the lead female character Akuyawa, the trio playing the students Yamamoto Yusuke-kun, Kimura Ryou-kun and Nagayama Kento-kun were in the middle of a scene where the criminal had driven them into a desperate predicament ! The 4 of them showed a realistic performance, surrounded on all sides by flames as tall as them. Surpassing a Hollywood movie (!?) It's a must-see ! Furthermore, on another day, they were filming close to a cliff, dropping down to nearly 100m and a huge rock was flung at them from above (!?) This was also one of the scenes ! It's a school drama but actually there's hardly any scenes inside the school itself !? Action and mystery are abundantly incorporated into the story as it unravels. The 4 of them get together to give their comments. What kind of a mystery story can the world anticipate !?
Yamamoto Yusuke : While this drama has its roots in mystery, there's unexpectedly many action scenes, ne ?
Ishihara : Yes, that's right. The 3 of them knows kendou so the action scenes are lively. I'm also involved in a scene where the criminal chases me and I have to run for my life.
Kimura : Before that there was also a scene where we fell from a cliff. We have to do whatever we're told but that cliff, it was about 200m high wasn't it ?
Ishihara : Definitely not ! (*laugh*) The action scenes were tough but doing them were fun. The tension rises !
Nagayama : There are going to be more actions scenes where the tension is going to spill over. I want the audience to look forward to those moments !
Ishihara : For me, it's the first time I'm going to play this role of a selfish, egocentric teacher. I will do my best to portray this new teacher image so that the audience can get a feel of something new and interesting !
Kimura : We're playing honour students accomplished in both the literary and military arts. It's completely different from the usual roles ne.
Yamamoto Yusuke : Yes, yes. Those kind of brainy kids we don't normally play but the truth is during the filming breaks, the 3 of us turn to bakas (*laugh*) But the 3 of us get along well because we're always together, so it's getting to be like the characters we play.
Nagayama : I think because of that, this atmosphere we have amongst us, we make a good combination and the scenes come alive.
Ishihara : The script is interesting, there's definitely the full-blown element of mystery in it. There are nerve-wracking, heart-pounding scenes, funny parts that will make you laugh out loud, a lot of different elements in it. Everyone, please look forward to its broadcast !
休当たりのアクショシーンなど撮影快調 !

4月の放送開始に向け、順調に撮影が進んでいる『パズル』。この日は、静岡県のとある山中で、石原さとみさん演じる主人公の女教師・鮎川と、山本裕典くん、木村了くん、永山絢斗くん扮する男子学生3人組が、真犯人によって絶体絶命の窮地に追い込まれるシーンの撮影が行われました! 実際に焚かれた身の丈以上の炎の壁に囲まれながら、迫真の演技を見せた4人。ハリウッド映画を超えた(!?)迫力の映像は必見! さらに別の日には、高さ100m近くはあろうかという断崖絶壁での撮影や、巨大な岩が頭上から襲いかかってくる(!?)シーンの撮影も! 学園ドラマと思いきや、学校内のシーンはほとんど皆無!? アクションや謎解きがふんだんに盛り込まれたストーリーは、まだまだ謎だらけ! 4人が揃って語ってくれた和気あいあいとした次の最新コメントから、不思議な物語の世界を予想してみるのも楽しいかも!?
山本 : このドラマ、本格ミステリーでありながら、意外とアクションシーンも多いんですよね
石原 : そうそう。3人は剣道をやっているという役柄だから、それを活かしたアクションがあったり、私は犯人に追われて必死に逃げるシーンがあったり
木村 : この前は、崖から落ちるシーンもあって。どうしてもって言われたんでやりましたけど、あの崖、200mくらいはあったかな?
石原 : 全然ないよ(笑)! でも、アクションの撮影は大変だけど、やってて楽しい。テンション上がります!
永山 : 今後もそういう緊張感あふれるアクションシーンの撮影は多くなると思うので、視聴者の方にはぜひそのへんも楽しみにしてほしいですね!
石原 : 私は、かつてないほど自己中心的な先生の役なので、皆さんに新しい教師像を面白いと感じてもらえるよう頑張って演じたいと思います!
木村 : 僕らは、文武両道の優等生役。普段とはまったく逆の役どころだよね
山本 : そもそも、そんなに頭もよろしくないし、実際、撮影の合間に3人でバカやってたりするし(笑)。ただ、仲良しでいつも3人一緒にいるところは、劇中のキャラと似てるかも
永山 : そういう部分で、3人の雰囲気というか、コンビネーションを作れているので、それを演技にも活かせてるんじゃないかと思います
石原 : とにかく脚本が面白いですし、本格的なミステリーの要素はもちろん、ハラハラドキドキのアクションシーンやクスっと笑える小ネタもたくさん入っていますので、皆さんはぜひ放送を楽しみにお待ちください!
27th February 2008
Hard-hitting scenes and all, filming going smoothly

Starting its broadcast from April, the shooting for Puzzle is proceeding well. Today, in the mountains of Shizuoka, Satomi Ishihara-san who is playing the lead female character Akuyawa, the trio playing the students Yamamoto Yusuke-kun, Kimura Ryou-kun and Nagayama Kento-kun were in the middle of a scene where the criminal had driven them into a desperate predicament ! The 4 of them showed a realistic performance, surrounded on all sides by flames as tall as them. Surpassing a Hollywood movie (!?) It's a must-see ! Furthermore, on another day, they were filming close to a cliff, dropping down to nearly 100m and a huge rock was flung at them from above (!?) This was also one of the scenes ! It's a school drama but actually there's hardly any scenes inside the school itself !? Action and mystery are abundantly incorporated into the story as it unravels. The 4 of them get together to give their comments. What kind of a mystery story can the world anticipate !?
Yamamoto Yusuke : While this drama has its roots in mystery, there's unexpectedly many action scenes, ne ?
Ishihara : Yes, that's right. The 3 of them knows kendou so the action scenes are lively. I'm also involved in a scene where the criminal chases me and I have to run for my life.
Kimura : Before that there was also a scene where we fell from a cliff. We have to do whatever we're told but that cliff, it was about 200m high wasn't it ?
Ishihara : Definitely not ! (*laugh*) The action scenes were tough but doing them were fun. The tension rises !
Nagayama : There are going to be more actions scenes where the tension is going to spill over. I want the audience to look forward to those moments !
Ishihara : For me, it's the first time I'm going to play this role of a selfish, egocentric teacher. I will do my best to portray this new teacher image so that the audience can get a feel of something new and interesting !
Kimura : We're playing honour students accomplished in both the literary and military arts. It's completely different from the usual roles ne.
Yamamoto Yusuke : Yes, yes. Those kind of brainy kids we don't normally play but the truth is during the filming breaks, the 3 of us turn to bakas (*laugh*) But the 3 of us get along well because we're always together, so it's getting to be like the characters we play.
Nagayama : I think because of that, this atmosphere we have amongst us, we make a good combination and the scenes come alive.
Ishihara : The script is interesting, there's definitely the full-blown element of mystery in it. There are nerve-wracking, heart-pounding scenes, funny parts that will make you laugh out loud, a lot of different elements in it. Everyone, please look forward to its broadcast !
Labels: Puzzle, Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »NEWS - Utsukushii Sugite Beautiful Eyes

Why Shige on the cover ? Actually, I bugged Grumpy to do it. Just look at that drop-dead serious expression. HOTsukare sama deshita, Kato-san~
Also available from MF here.
Labels: GrumpyGeek, NEWS
Full Post »With Yuu #120308


Here I am...
12th March 2008
During some free time at work, I autographed some publicity photos ☆
Was tired so I took a little break ♪
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Aura #110308


11th March 2008
Today too thanks for everything (^-^)/ We filmed in the Tokyo suburbs today !! We met up at the set itself, so I had to endure an hour-long trip by myself, being jolted around in the train ('-^*)/ The unfamiliar scenery... trying to keep an ear out for the unfamiliar station names, it made me really anxious !! Would I arrive safely ?? I kept checking with my navigator walk over and over again (*laugh*) I got there in time with no problems (・ω・)/
The photo is me in Puzzle's school uniform again !! Letting everyone take a good look at it for publicity purposes (^O^)/
I'm working on something different tomorrow (^O^)/ I'll do my best !!
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »Tuesday, March 11, 2008
With Yuu #100308


This is Spain's...
10th March 2008
don't be surprised... pigeon (*laugh*)
It's difficult to see in the photo but it was quite plump so I just had to take a photo (*laugh*)
What in the blue hell is he talking about ? Hutton's pigeon ? Dove ? Hatton ? Finally I just took that damn ハットン to mean はっとん which means something like taken aback, surprised.
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »With Yuu #090308

There's no particular significance but...
9th March 2008
This bear is charming, ne (*laugh*)

Cute.... and earless. Did he turn Mariyan and bite it off ?
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Aura #080308

8th March 2008
Good evening !! Today too thanks for everything (^-^)/ Today we had filming in the studio the whole day !! I met the producer and various people who were involved in Hanazakari no Kimitachi e for the first time in a while !! I was really happy (・ω・)/ Without thinking about it, I spontaneously gave them a hug (*laugh*)
It's filming in the studio again tomorrow (^O^)/ I hope to do my best !!
Which reminds me, from yesterday, I've started on some new work !! I'll give more details about it next time. Look forward to it (^O^)/
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »HYDF Official Blog
8th March 2008
Preview release !!
8th March 2008 (Saturday)
We kept everyone waiting !
The teaser to the movie Hana Yori Dango Final is released !!
● To the official site of Hana Yori Dango Final !!

Note : Go the official site and click on the right-hand most 特報予告. I'd rather not risk any linkbacks here :)
Official Hanadan website is at hanadan-final[dot]jp
Preview release !!
8th March 2008 (Saturday)
We kept everyone waiting !
The teaser to the movie Hana Yori Dango Final is released !!
● To the official site of Hana Yori Dango Final !!

Note : Go the official site and click on the right-hand most 特報予告. I'd rather not risk any linkbacks here :)
Official Hanadan website is at hanadan-final[dot]jp
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, HYDF Blog
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
10th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ⑦
2008年03月10日 00:55
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑦
10th March 2008 00:55
The crew of Japanese living in America.
The crew that helped us out during our filming in NY also came to help us out in Vegas !
When we first met this time, we forgot how friendly and fun they were.
It was expected that we would have an almost impossible and surprisingly difficult schedule in America...
In spite of all this, it was great working hard with such bright cheerful faces !
Truly, thank you very much.
2008年03月10日 00:55
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑦
10th March 2008 00:55
The crew of Japanese living in America.
The crew that helped us out during our filming in NY also came to help us out in Vegas !
When we first met this time, we forgot how friendly and fun they were.
It was expected that we would have an almost impossible and surprisingly difficult schedule in America...
In spite of all this, it was great working hard with such bright cheerful faces !
Truly, thank you very much.
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
9th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ⑥
2008年03月09日 11:27
真央ちゃんは「ID Please」と言われ、パスポートを提示。
“Beginner's luck”とはいえ勝負強すぎ。
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑥
9th March 2008 11:27
On a 4 day filming break, it's the casino debut !
Mao-chan was asked "ID please" and she handed over her passport.
A look of surprise ! How old did you think she was, and the reply was maybe about 15 or 16 years old.
Asians especially tend to look young but to pass the ID around...
It was her first time on the slot machines and card games.
Photography is not allowed in the casino so there's no photos but what happened was this.
(First day) Mao-chan started with $100. Target + $1000 was made, impressive achievement.
(Second day) Same target + $1000. This day too, steady. But, don't want it to end just like that !
(Third day) The world of winning and losing, it can't be this easy, but today too + $1000.
The next day was the day before filming, so no more playing after that. So would it be spent playing too ? In the end, she made $4000.
The people at the casino told Mao-chan not to bring the house down.
"Beginner's luck" or not, she aced the games.
Hopefully it'll follow her throughout her life !
2008年03月09日 11:27
真央ちゃんは「ID Please」と言われ、パスポートを提示。
“Beginner's luck”とはいえ勝負強すぎ。
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑥
9th March 2008 11:27
On a 4 day filming break, it's the casino debut !
Mao-chan was asked "ID please" and she handed over her passport.
A look of surprise ! How old did you think she was, and the reply was maybe about 15 or 16 years old.
Asians especially tend to look young but to pass the ID around...
It was her first time on the slot machines and card games.
Photography is not allowed in the casino so there's no photos but what happened was this.
(First day) Mao-chan started with $100. Target + $1000 was made, impressive achievement.
(Second day) Same target + $1000. This day too, steady. But, don't want it to end just like that !
(Third day) The world of winning and losing, it can't be this easy, but today too + $1000.
The next day was the day before filming, so no more playing after that. So would it be spent playing too ? In the end, she made $4000.
The people at the casino told Mao-chan not to bring the house down.
"Beginner's luck" or not, she aced the games.
Hopefully it'll follow her throughout her life !
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
9th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ⑤
2008年03月09日 09:26
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑤
9th March 2008 09:26
During breaks between filming, Mao-chan plays the DS against Jun-kun at the motorhome !
Come to think of it, everyone brought along Bomberman during the NY filming too.
At that time, it was still not forbidden to bring alone one on the plane, so we decided to start playing against each other.
With the DS around, the long waiting times don't bother you at all.
They're in the trailer together ? Playing games ? Rooomantic. A couple that games together stays together~
2008年03月09日 09:26
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ⑤
9th March 2008 09:26
During breaks between filming, Mao-chan plays the DS against Jun-kun at the motorhome !
Come to think of it, everyone brought along Bomberman during the NY filming too.
At that time, it was still not forbidden to bring alone one on the plane, so we decided to start playing against each other.
With the DS around, the long waiting times don't bother you at all.
They're in the trailer together ? Playing games ? Rooomantic. A couple that games together stays together~
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
8th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ④
2008年03月08日 23:38
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ④
8th March 2008 23:38
A difficult to capture sleeping face !
This is the spot where the photo was taken as she relaxed a little and dozed off.
The staff laughed out loud at the photo but the kawaii Mao-chan, there's no way that a bad photo of her can be taken.
2008年03月08日 23:38
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ④
8th March 2008 23:38
A difficult to capture sleeping face !
This is the spot where the photo was taken as she relaxed a little and dozed off.
The staff laughed out loud at the photo but the kawaii Mao-chan, there's no way that a bad photo of her can be taken.
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Monday, March 10, 2008
Inoue Mao Staff Diary
8th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ③
2008年03月08日 23:15
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ③
8th March 2008 23:15
During a day off filming, we're at a buffet of a different hotel from the one we're staying in !
It was an all-you-can-eat buffet. From salad to dessert, there were types of food from many different countries.
The photos were taken at the very last, where she chose dessert.

2008年03月08日 23:15
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ③
8th March 2008 23:15
During a day off filming, we're at a buffet of a different hotel from the one we're staying in !
It was an all-you-can-eat buffet. From salad to dessert, there were types of food from many different countries.
The photos were taken at the very last, where she chose dessert.

Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
8th March 2008
花より男子~ファイナル~ Las Vegas ②
2008年03月08日 23:04
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ②
8th March 2008 23:04
We're at the ice-cream shop in the suburbs that we went to and grew to love during the making of the photobook !
Actually, this shop is run by a Japanese family.
The ice cream here is made by carefully-selected ingredients and is unrivaled ♡ !
The fruit-sauce topping is also hand-made.
After sampling a few flavours, the ice-cream and topping is chosen.
In America, the child size is the regular in Japan.
It's big ! Mao-chan remarked but even while saying it, she was polishing the delicious ice-cream off.
"Next time it will be banana in chocolate" she said while leaving the shop.
2008年03月08日 23:04
Hana Yori Dango~Final~ Las Vegas ②
8th March 2008 23:04
We're at the ice-cream shop in the suburbs that we went to and grew to love during the making of the photobook !
Actually, this shop is run by a Japanese family.
The ice cream here is made by carefully-selected ingredients and is unrivaled ♡ !
The fruit-sauce topping is also hand-made.
After sampling a few flavours, the ice-cream and topping is chosen.
In America, the child size is the regular in Japan.
It's big ! Mao-chan remarked but even while saying it, she was polishing the delicious ice-cream off.
"Next time it will be banana in chocolate" she said while leaving the shop.
Labels: Hana Yori Dango Final, Inoue Mao
Full Post »