Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ikemen Spotlight
Matsui Ryota

Birthdate: 9 October 1981
Birthplace: Shizuoka
Blood type: A
Profession: Member of band Wakaba, made up of Kameda Dai (vocals & guitar), Tsukamoto Nobuo (lyrics) and Matsui Ryota (vocals, guitar & harp)
Agency: Mother Enterprise
What he likes about himself: Won't tell because he is too embarrassed to say it :)
What he dislikes about himself: Frizzy hair
Places he can relax: Bath, futon, parent's home, on Tsukamoto's chest. ( ´゚,_ゝ゚) (Tsukamoto in turn, under places he can relax listed: Home, sleeping with children on futon and in Ryota's arms)
Favourite food: Ramen, cake, fruits, cheese, Japanese sweets
Food he dislikes: Raw onion
Books that left an impression on him: All books by Higashino Keigo
Celebrity he looks up to: Matsui Hideki
Nostalgic spot: High school baseball field. Memories of youth~
Blog: Wakaba blog
Ryota has such a beautiful smile and sounds great singing live. And I can't believe the guy is 30. Here's his birthday post from a few days ago.
Happy Birthday
8th October 2011

I'll turn 30 on 9th October(^o^)v
and the staff from the agency prepared a cake and sang Happy Birthday for me(。≧∇≦。)
It's my favourite cake from Qu'il fait bon!!
It was really delicious.
So happy--
Many many thanks!
The 30-year-old Matsui Ryota
will also go forward with all his might,
so everyone please cheer me on

Here's a live of 'Ashita, Boku wa Kimi ni Ai ni Iku' during the promotion of their album 'Atlas' at Tsuruoka, Yamagata on 29 May 2011.
Wakaba's 7th single 'Akari' was chosen as the campaign song for an anti-suicide project. They wrote the song after a fan of theirs committed suicide. An article from Mainichi daily news here.

A few more photos of that smile.

Labels: Ikemen Spotlight
Full Post »Fujiwara Norika returns from holiday with boyfriend

According to Wikipedia, Inui Makio is a Japanese-Irish American half and considers himself a native English speaker. He is a law graduate from Sophia University.
Hot oyaji (ヘ。ヘ) There has been some rumours on the net that when his name came out in connection with Fujiwara, he is mentioned as 'that iPhone guy', the big miss analyst. During an interview with web magazine ITpro in 2008, he said that he didn't think the iPhone would sell well and sell at most a million units but it ended up a big hit and sold over 7 milion units. In 2009, in an interview with the same magazine, he said that the Android OS will definitely not do well in Japan but that didn't turn out as he thought either as it is used widely now. There's a 2007 English article here where he talks about the iPhone.
Labels: Gossip and Whatnot
Full Post »Inoue Mao Staff Diary
2nd October 2011
Mizuho Bank New CM
2nd October 2011 19:32
The story behind the Mizuho Bank CM filming.
This time the location is on top of a mountain in early morning.
It's Mount Hachibuse in Nagano Prefecture! A few days after 'Ohisamatsuri', we were back in Nagano!!
We were aiming to film as the morning sun rose!
So, were we on standby in the middle of the night? No, we started at 2:20 in the morning!!!!
This time you can see Mao-san taking a stroll under the gorgeous morning light.
It's at the top of a mountain, so the wind was pretty strong and the temperature was hovering around 10°C.
With the wind chill factor, it was even colder.
Tokyo is still warm so we were one step ahead in experiencing winter (*laugh*)
Thanks to the staff who did the rehearsal countless times beforehand, we managed to get everything done beautifully!!
The CM will start airing in the Kanto region on 28 September, so please check it out!!
Those outside the Kanto region, please check on Mizuho Bank's homepage!
The making of the CM will also be put up later, I'm looking forward to it myself♪♪

Full Post »
2nd October 2011 19:32
The story behind the Mizuho Bank CM filming.
This time the location is on top of a mountain in early morning.
It's Mount Hachibuse in Nagano Prefecture! A few days after 'Ohisamatsuri', we were back in Nagano!!
We were aiming to film as the morning sun rose!
So, were we on standby in the middle of the night? No, we started at 2:20 in the morning!!!!
This time you can see Mao-san taking a stroll under the gorgeous morning light.
With the wind chill factor, it was even colder.
Tokyo is still warm so we were one step ahead in experiencing winter (*laugh*)
Thanks to the staff who did the rehearsal countless times beforehand, we managed to get everything done beautifully!!
The CM will start airing in the Kanto region on 28 September, so please check it out!!
Those outside the Kanto region, please check on Mizuho Bank's homepage!
The making of the CM will also be put up later, I'm looking forward to it myself♪♪