Friday, May 07, 2010
Shinagawa Daichi Blog
Episode 3
7th May 2010 18:30
It's the third episode of YanMega today
Yet another problem child
It's one of our members
How do you think it'll develop?
The whole day through today I was in bed
All the time just in bed

I didn't walk
Unless I needed to go to the toilet or eat my meals
I think it'll be the same tomorrow...
This has been Shinagawa Daichi. - Learn Japanese with Free Daily Podcasts
Labels: Narimiya Hiroki
Full Post »Shinagawa Daichi Blog
A Day of Stride
6th May 2010 22:57
The full picture of today's
Mysterious event...

Like this
A new product for Cadbury
A campaign for a gum called 'Stride'

Many people gathered
For the huge scale event
I was glad
Thank you
The great long-lasting flavour you get with Stride
Do try it out
Not as Shinagawa Daichi
Not as Narimiya Hiroki
This has been a Monkey.
6th May 2010 15:14
The end~

Collecting data for anan
This has been Shinagawa Daichi.
6th May 2010 12:31
Before the Transformation
Soon in Shinjuku
I'll be there
Yet to be transformed

This has been Shinagawa Daichi. - Learn Japanese with Free Daily Podcasts
Labels: Narimiya Hiroki
Full Post »Thursday, May 06, 2010
Narimiya, the Mysterious Monkey
6th May 2010

On the 6th, actor Narimiya Hiroki attended the product launch for new chewing gum 'Stride' as its CM character at the Harajuku Quest Hall. The teaser monkey CMs for an unknown product have been on-air, and now it is revealed that the monkey was played by Narimiya in special make-up. Narimiya will be featured in a new CM from the 10th onwards, in conjunction with the commencement of the gum sales. "There are not many chances in life where you can become a monkey ne," Narimiya commented. It took 11 hours of applying special make-up for him to transform into the monkey. - Learn Japanese with Free Daily Podcasts
Labels: CM, Narimiya Hiroki
Full Post »Monday, May 03, 2010
Nozomi and Takeru for Fit's LINK
3rd May 2010

Model and actress Sasaki Nozomi's (22) new Lotte Fit's LINK CM airs from the 3rd onwards. Actor Satoh Takeru (21) and comedienne Watanabe Naomi (22) are also in the CM. Dressed up as demons, Nozomi and Takeru dance a comedic routine. After filming, they commented, "It's quite difficult, but do try the dance out."

Watch the CM here.
Making here.

(From Takeru's blog... What's this a NozoTake pair?!)
PS. I did NOT do the photoshop work on the main pic! Lol~~ I can't even recognize Nozomi there >8<
Labels: CM, Takeru Satoh
Full Post »Shinagawa Daichi Blog
On My Mind
2nd May 2010 22:46
Thank you for all the comments this week
After a few days off
Filming has resumed

This is the swallow's nest at filming location
Right now doing its best
The mama bird is sitting and warming the eggs
Somehow I feel quite worried
Little birds from the nest
I'd like to see them soon
When I complete filming
I wonder if the birds would still be in the nest?

It's like a warm feeling ne
This has been Shinagawa Daichi. - Learn Japanese with Free Daily Podcasts
Labels: Narimiya Hiroki, Spring 2010 Drama
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