Saturday, April 05, 2008
With Yuu #050408

2008年04月05日 01:10

Hashed meat with rice
5th April 2008
It's been while but I cooked for myself today ♪ In the menu is hashed meat with rice and a deluxe salad. It was rather delicious (*laugh*)
I mean, I managed to slice the onion without even shedding a single tear, that was surprising (*laugh*)
Well then, let's do our best tomorrow too ♪ Good night (^_-)-☆
Err.... (ノ_・、)
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Aura #050408

5th April 2008
Good morning !! Filming for Puzzle was from early morning today !! The shooting for Puzzle will soon reach its climax !! The filming for the drama started in December... there were many regional locations too. It's a serious drama so the filming period is longer than usual dramas but it feels like just like that, it'll soon come to a close already !! Maybe I feel that way because it's nearing completion !! It was fun and also tough !! That drama is also nearing its broadcast day !! Everyone please watch it without fail (^O^)/
The high school student skilled in both the literary and military arts will turn up from early this morning too !!
By the way, POP Ya will start from the day after tomorrow !!
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »New Kids On The Block ♪

It's like a divine gift from the heavens KYAAaaaa. They'll be performing live for the first time since 1994 on my birthday!!@%!
└(^^*)┐ ┌(*^^)┘└(^^*)┐ ┌(*^^)┘
Shoot, I was so happy seeing them all together I actually teared~
Labels: New Kids On The Block ♥
Full Post »Hana Kimi SP
Hibari 2 & Julia
先週からフジテレビ系ドラマ「花ざかりの君たちへ イケメン♂パラダイスSP」の撮影に入りました。ジュリアというアメリカ人の女の子役でゲスト出演します。放送日は未定ですが、お楽しみ!

31st March 2008
Since last week, I've been filming for Fuji TV's drama Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Ikemen ♂ Paradise SP. I'm making a guest appearance as Julia, an American girl. The broadcast date is still undecided but look forward to it !
Hibari Four Kanna/Kiritani Mirei
こんにちは(・ω・)/ もーすぐ春ですねっ(^O^) 美玲です。
今日から『花ざかりの君たちへ』のスペシャルの撮影が始まりましたー!! カムバックカンナちゃん☆
夏ぶりにひばり4に会ったけど、全然変わってなくて話が止まらなかったよ(*^-^)b “イケメン”達もかなりイケてました(笑) これから楽しい撮影になりそうです♪

Kiritani Mirei : In the middle of filming
2nd April 2008
Good day (・ω・)/ It's going to be spring soon ne (^O^) Mirei here.
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e Special filming will start from today !! Kanna-chan comeback ☆
It was summer that Hibari 4 last met, but nothing has changed at all, the chatting doesn't stop (*^-^)b The ikemens are also still quite ikemen (*laugh*) From now on, filming is going to be fun ♪
The broadcast date is still undecided but once it is, I'll let you know, so check ne ~(≧▽≦)
Hibari Four Kurose Manami/Imaike Komari
1st April 2008

Together with the plum blossoms... Komari Hair (*laugh*)
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »Hana Kimi SP
Toshihiko Blog 4th April
Toshi always takes time to post photos, so I graduated him from the random list (^-^) He's the one on the left.

2008-04-04 19:27:59

4th April 2008
A shot from the waiting room
Well I never, the first appearance of the lady announcer
And Takahashi Yuta, Ojima Naoya, Matsushita Kouji is sleeping
And having the lead role is Uenoshiba (Suzuki Kota)
Shiba...... gei (performance)...... That's how the nickname got stuck to him
Contrary to the nickname, not gay-like at all.
So gay-chan said
"Ore wa gay janai zo !!"
Okay, change of topic
Today I'm tired from too much violence
Toma-kun who was right beside me looked at me with a weird look on his face
Toma-kun : "Imamiyaaaaa (´Д`)
Me : Eeh ? It supposed to be like that, isn't it ?
I persisted by sheer force
Went on stoically
Overslept in the train
Going to work now.
Somehow, I can imagine Toma going Imamiyaaaaa with that Toma kind of expression clearly.
Toshi also took a photo of Yuujiroh.

Winking Yuujiroh is kawaii o(^-^)o
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »Friday, April 04, 2008
With Yuu #030408

2008年04月03日 16:55
昨日は撮影が終わった後、事務所の先輩『RAG FAIR』さんのライブに行ってきました!いや~みなさんうまいです!!おもしろいです!!最高でした☆ファンの方々も凄い(^O^)/アンコール時の会場の一体感は鳥肌もんでしたよ!!(笑)

Domo ☆
3rd April 2008
This is Shirota Yuu, who has just been filming as Shinko Kei at Tamagawa !
After filming ended yesterday, I went to my senior (at the agency) RAG FAIR-san's live performance ! Wow, everyone was good !! Really interesting !! It was the best ☆ The fans were also amazing (^O^)/ The sense of unity at the hall during the encore gave me goosebumps !! (*laugh*)
It was a totally fantastic live performance ♪
With that, I'll do my best for Rookies today too ! There's been a lot of physically strenuous scenes lately (*laugh*)
Get angry
Get depressed
Like that na (*laugh*)
It'll be about 5 more days before the filming schedule for 1 episode ends ! I've a feeling it'll be something good so please look forward to it (^_-)-☆
Tamagawa → river running between Tokyo and Kanagawa.
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Thursday, April 03, 2008
Hana Kimi SP
TV Guide Pictures

Found off 2ch. Not sure from which TV Guide. Or if it's from the magazine called TV Guide itself.
Sano's hair. What is that ?! That must be the present-day Valentine event look. Looks like he couldn't care less about his hair since Mizuki left~
Mizuki and Nakatsu look so happy
The guy at the bottom of the second pic is Ruy Ramos, a Brazilian-born soccer player who's a Japanese citizen now. He's probably a guest at the soccer match scene.
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »Hana Kimi SP
Bits and pieces of news

Dorm 1 Takahashi Mitsuomi/Daikokucho Mitsuomi mentioned in his blog (2nd April) that he, Oguri Shun, Ikuta Toma and Kyo Nobuo (Masao) have been playing Monster Hunter co-op on the PSP. They go out hunting as a four-man party and although they've just started, they managed to bring down a boss in a close fight.
Just typing that makes my blood go whoosh whoosh. I've been trading my PS2 gaming time with all this Japanese studying. Recently I thought I could do both and bought the Japan version of Dragon Quest VII at a bargain bin sale. I'd spent more than 200 hours on the English one so I thought I'd study by reading the text and playing a leisurely game but muri daa. I just can't play a game casually. Anyways, back to topic.
Extras Report (1st April filming) on 2ch:-
- Filming was from about 6am till 7pm.
- Present was Mizuki, Sano, Nakatsu, Julia, Nanba, Masao, Saga, Nakao, Kitahanada, Imamiya, Kaizuka, Korien, Hibari 4, Akiha.
- By afternoon, only Mizuki, Sano, Nakatsu, Julia and Saga were left.
- A high school student gave a letter to Nanba and he said thanks.
- In front of the waiting room, Sano pretended to be Kamen Rider and then he had a chat with Kitahanada.
- After Mizuki and Sano's scene, Sano was holding onto a present.
- There was a scene with Mizuki, Sano and Saga with Sano having hair extensions on.
- There was a scene where Mizuki, Sano and Julia were dressed in plain clothes.
Someone also mentioned that the ventilation at the pool during the pool scene was bad, so everyone was a little cranky. Think that's what Yusuke was talking about then, the pool scene, not the one in Handsome Suit.
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP, Ikuta Toma, Oguri Shun
Full Post »With Yuu #020408

2008年04月02日 18:59
昨日はルーキーズ終わりに、私のfavorite Artist「AAA」のライブに行ってまいりました☆あっちなみにちゃんこデブと(笑)

2nd April 2008
After Rookies ended yesterday, I went to watch my favorite Artist, AAA, perform live ☆ By the way, some sumo stew made me a little chubby (*laugh*)
Up to today, it has always fit in with my schedule but I thought this time I wouldn't be able to go. But the start of the performance of the delayed so once again I was able to make it ! (*laugh*)
Ever since I co-starred with the AAA members for the movie Heat Island, I've been to almost all their lives. The members will always say "You don't have to come anymore !" and I thought that was what would happen...
Everyone in AAA !!!
... I've come again (*laugh*)
But really, I wonder why is it that everytime AAA has a live, there'll be space in my schedule... maybe it's fate ☆ (*laugh*)
Well then, till next time again
あっちなみにちゃんこデブと(笑)probably not = By the way, some sumo stew made me a little chubby (*laugh*).
Maybe he means someone in the group got fat ? Or he went with someone fat ?
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Last Friends

All lovey-dovey before the DV.
From a TV Guide magazine, off 2ch.
By the way, update on Oguri Shun's walky walky CM. All the ads, including the making from glico.
Labels: For Grumpiggy
Full Post »Hana Kimi SP
Random Ikemen's Blog

2008-04-01 01:20:42

1st April 2008
Ushiku's too cold
Dorm Leader K-san farted.
Ojima Naoya's (Kaizuka Kohei) remark,
"I smell some fried chicken. I'm getting really hungry, man."
That Kazuka's blog is at
Ushiku is Ushikushi, the building they use as Osaka Gakuen.

Dorm 3 Watanabe Toshihiko/Imamiya Sho
2008-04-01 20:44:26

1st April 2008
From now on, it's work
It was really cold today.
Wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up isn't something to be laughed at.
That's weird, ne.
Earlier, I walked not really noticing the cold.
The scene where Kato Keisuke, me and Oscar stand in a line and walk.
Left Oscar, and accidentally walked ahead of him ne.
Everyone, thanks for all your hard work in the cold m(__)m
Be careful that you don't catch a cold ne.
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »With Yuu #010408

2008年04月01日 10:49

Good morning ☆
1st April 2008
Has everyone done their hanami (cherry blossom viewing) ??
Regretfully, I haven't been able to do it yet (>_<) Although this year is just like years before, it feels like the cherry blossoms are growing increasingly more beautiful, or is it my imagination ?
Incidentally, there's a row of cherry blossom trees just like that close to my home (^O^)/
This is to something to share with the people who have not seen the cherry blossoms yet ♪ (*laugh*)
Stalkers, please take note of his neighbourhood.
Labels: Shirota Yuu
Full Post »With Yuu #310308

2008年03月31日 13:32
Hello !
31st March 2008
After a long absence, I turned into this person after Rookies ended yesterday !

Although I appear for only a short while, what happened then is really intense ! (*laugh*)
Look forward to it ☆
After this, I'm going for a TV recording (^O^)/
Wig !
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP, Shirota Yuu
Full Post »Aura #010408

1st April 2008
New Work
Hello ! Today too thanks for everything ! We did filming for the movie Handsome Suit today !! We filmed in a club but... it was stuffy and terribly hot ↓↓ Ah, I forgot to tell everyone something ne ↓↓ I'm appearing in the comedy movie Handsome Suit with
Tanihara Shousuke-san and Drunk Dragon's Tsukaji-san !! It's a really enjoyable and endearing role so I'm really motivated to do it !! It'll open soon, everyone please watch it (^O^)/ I still have a long way to go... but I want everyone to see me play a new character !!
Also, I'm appearing as a regular in the variety program Pop Ya (^O^)/ I'm really happy to have the opportunity to meet everyone as Yamamoto Yusuke !!
Before long, the drama Puzzle will also start, everyone please check it out !!
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Yamamoto Yusuke
New Drama, Variety & Movie
フジテレビ バラエティ番組『POP屋』(毎週月曜24:45~25:10)
テレビ朝日 連続ドラマ『パズル』(毎週金曜21:00~)レギュラー出演
☆2008年秋公開予定 『ハンサムスーツ』
Latest information on movie and variety appearance !
☆ Starting 7th April 2008
Fuji TV Variety Program [POP Ya] (Every Monday 24:45~25:10) Is that 12:45pm to 1:10am ?
Regular appearance !
☆ Starting 18th April 2008
TV Asahi Drama Series [Puzzle] (Every Friday 9~) Regular Appearance
☆ Opening in the fall of 2008 [Handsome Suit]

The cast of Handsome Suit
Yusuke's must be a minor role. It'd be nice if he's the one the main guy morph into when he puts on the handsome suit instead of the YoroshiQueen.
フジテレビ バラエティ番組『POP屋』(毎週月曜24:45~25:10)
テレビ朝日 連続ドラマ『パズル』(毎週金曜21:00~)レギュラー出演
☆2008年秋公開予定 『ハンサムスーツ』
Latest information on movie and variety appearance !
☆ Starting 7th April 2008
Fuji TV Variety Program [POP Ya] (Every Monday 24:45~25:10) Is that 12:45pm to 1:10am ?
Regular appearance !
☆ Starting 18th April 2008
TV Asahi Drama Series [Puzzle] (Every Friday 9~) Regular Appearance
☆ Opening in the fall of 2008 [Handsome Suit]

Yusuke's must be a minor role. It'd be nice if he's the one the main guy morph into when he puts on the handsome suit instead of the YoroshiQueen.
Labels: Yamamoto Yusuke
Full Post »Hana Kimi SP
Hibari 4! Blog
Okay, actually it's only Hibari 1 because the rest of them are such lazy blog updaters. A little spoiler from O-damari Komari. All those bare bodies scene was because of this.
Hibari Four Kurose Manami/Imaike Komari
の 花ざかり撮影場所!
31st March 2008

filming location of Hanazakari !
Now I'm going back to the hotel. (^O^)v
Many thanks for today ー☆
Ok so that fan service photo earlier, I get why that Toilet Guy from Dorm 1 is wearing trunks. But is Masao ordering his underlings to swim in tutus ?!
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »Monday, March 31, 2008
Hana Kimi SP
Random Ikemen's Blog

2008-03-31 23:50:02
I won't write in detail in case of letting out spoilers for now, but this is where I'm injured
Right leg bruise
Left leg scratches
And nosebleed
What the heck kind of scene was that ? I thought it was all brawls, but apparently there were some graceful moves in today's shoot too. Fan service~

Dorm 3 Watanabe Toshihiko/Imamiya Sho
2008-03-31 20:28:39
A big Fan Service shot !!
Today I have a really big treat for everyone.
From the waiting room today
A collaboration from the warring Dorm 1 and Dorm 3
The cameraman was Takeda Kouhei (^0^)/♪

We hit it off at the hotel and thought of this
Look forward to it (Ojima Naoya decided as Emperor Kaizuka)
Come to think of it, why Emperor ?

Did Toshi borrow that from Nakao ? Someone else from Dorm 1 also mentioned that today's filming required lots of bare bodies. Brawling, bare bodies, ballerinas. This will be fun ( ^ー゜)b
Labels: Hanazakari no Kimitachi e SP
Full Post »Oguri Shun, ripped his attire while filming his CM, "a hole in the crotch"
( 2008年03月31日 16時00分)
俳優の小栗旬が4 月1日(火)から発売される江崎グリコのチョコスナック『walky walky(ウォーキーウォーキー)』のイメージキャラクターを務める事になり3月31日(月)、都内で行われたテレビCM発表会に出席した。今年2月に行われたCM撮影で小栗は「ジャンプしたら、衣装が破けちゃって。縫ってもらって、なんとなく隠しています」と股間部分を指差して苦笑い。さらに「明日の(スポーツ紙などの)見出しは『小栗旬、股間に穴』ってね」とおどけてみせた。
カップ型容器で持ち運びが便利、かつイチゴ味がお気に入りという小栗は「イチゴのポッキーが好きだったので、また違ったイチゴ味で子供心に戻れるいい商品です」とニンマリ。また、同日より関東地区で放送開始されるCMテーマソング「EASY WALK」を歌う3人組ヒップホップグループ・HOME MADE 家族が生ライブを披露すると、小栗もステージ上に駆けつけ初共演が実現。小栗は「次はこの4人でCMを作らせてもらえればと思う」とノリノリだった。

Oricon News
Oguri Shun, ripped his attire while filming his CM, "a hole in the crotch"
31st March 2008
Actor Oguri Shun will serve as an image character for Ezaki Glico's chocolate, walky walky, set for release on Tuesday, the 1st of April. On the 31st of March, he attended the product launch in Tokyo. The commercial was filmed in February, "While jumping, I ripped my attire. It was patched up, somehow or other it was able to be concealed," he said with a wry smile, while pointing at his groin area. "After that, the captions on newspapers the next day, such as the sports dailies was 'Oguri Shun, a hole in the crotch' ne", he continued, joking around.

Carrying around the cup type container is convenient and strawberry is Oguri Shun's favourite flavour. "I liked the strawberry Pocky, although it tastes different now, this is a product that brings my mind back to my childhood days," he said with delight. The CM will be broadcast on the same day in the Kantou District. The theme song for the CM "Easy Walk" is sung by the hip-hop group trio, Home Made Family.
When they performed live, Oguri Shun joined them on the stage, making it the first time he sang together with them. In high spirits, Oguri Shun said "I think the 4 of us should make a CM together next."

The crotch shot is not here (>_<;)
Labels: For Grumpiggy, Oguri Shun
Full Post »Zettai Kareshi
Sanspo 31st March
Zettai Kareshi~Kanzenmuketsu no Koibito Robot~
Absolute Boyfriend~Perfect Robot Lover~

Tackling the difficult robot role is Hayami Mokomichi (center), Mizushima Hiro (left) and Aibu Saki, they get involved in a love triangle, with a science fiction like atmosphere. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.
Labels: Hayami Mokomichi, Mizushima Hiro, Zettai Kareshi
Full Post »With Yuu #290308

2008年03月29日 16:53

Filming has just ended !
29th March 2008
After this, I'm making an appearance on TBS All-Star Thanksgiving !!!
It starts at 6:30. Please watch it (^O^)/
Labels: Shirota Yuu
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