
Monday, March 31, 2008

Oguri Shun, ripped his attire while filming his CM, "a hole in the crotch"


( 2008年03月31日 16時00分)

俳優の小栗旬が4 月1日(火)から発売される江崎グリコのチョコスナック『walky walky(ウォーキーウォーキー)』のイメージキャラクターを務める事になり3月31日(月)、都内で行われたテレビCM発表会に出席した。今年2月に行われたCM撮影で小栗は「ジャンプしたら、衣装が破けちゃって。縫ってもらって、なんとなく隠しています」と股間部分を指差して苦笑い。さらに「明日の(スポーツ紙などの)見出しは『小栗旬、股間に穴』ってね」とおどけてみせた。

 カップ型容器で持ち運びが便利、かつイチゴ味がお気に入りという小栗は「イチゴのポッキーが好きだったので、また違ったイチゴ味で子供心に戻れるいい商品です」とニンマリ。また、同日より関東地区で放送開始されるCMテーマソング「EASY WALK」を歌う3人組ヒップホップグループ・HOME MADE 家族が生ライブを披露すると、小栗もステージ上に駆けつけ初共演が実現。小栗は「次はこの4人でCMを作らせてもらえればと思う」とノリノリだった。

Oricon News
Oguri Shun, ripped his attire while filming his CM, "a hole in the crotch"
31st March 2008

Actor Oguri Shun will serve as an image character for Ezaki Glico's chocolate, walky walky, set for release on Tuesday, the 1st of April. On the 31st of March, he attended the product launch in Tokyo. The commercial was filmed in February, "While jumping, I ripped my attire. It was patched up, somehow or other it was able to be concealed," he said with a wry smile, while pointing at his groin area. "After that, the captions on newspapers the next day, such as the sports dailies was 'Oguri Shun, a hole in the crotch' ne", he continued, joking around.

Carrying around the cup type container is convenient and strawberry is Oguri Shun's favourite flavour. "I liked the strawberry Pocky, although it tastes different now, this is a product that brings my mind back to my childhood days," he said with delight. The CM will be broadcast on the same day in the Kantou District. The theme song for the CM "Easy Walk" is sung by the hip-hop group trio, Home Made Family.
When they performed live, Oguri Shun joined them on the stage, making it the first time he sang together with them. In high spirits, Oguri Shun said "I think the 4 of us should make a CM together next."


The crotch shot is not here (>_<;)

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On Tuesday, April 01, 2008 8:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

yahho, i have my very own label!! lol...

no sakuin shot? disappointing!


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