
Friday, April 03, 2009

Hiro & Ayaka
Getting married at the height of their popularity

8 month relationship! Mizushima Hiro & Ayaka getting married at the height of their popularity
3rd April 2009

It was revealed on the 2nd of April that popular actor Mizushima Hiro (24), recently ranked Number 1 in the Ikemen Ranking list, and popular singer-songwriter Ayaka (21) are getting married. The two of them began their relationship after a magazine talk together for a magazine last June. They are expected to submit their marriage registration on Mizushima's birthday, the 13th. Getting their big breaks 3 to 4 years after their debut, the two of them, at the height of of their popularity, are going for their goal towards happiness together.

They are in the different fields of acting and singing but in the same agency. They began their acquaintance when they hit it off while doing a talk for the magazine 'mini' last June. According to close friends, they started dating around August.

From the beginning, the romance was a serious one with both mutually keeping marriage in mind. They have already met each other's parents and made formal arrangements on each side. The marriage registration is expected to be submitted on Mizushima's 25th birthday on the 13th. Currently, there are no plans yet for a ceremony and a wedding.

Mizushima spent his childhood, up to middle school in Zurich, Switzerland. Standing at 1.8m, he is a Keio University graduate. With all the necessary characteristics to be popular with women, he has been called the 'super ikemen among ikemens'.

From playing the lead role in TV Asahi's Kamen Rider Kabuto in 2006-2007, to Fuji TV's Zettai Kareshi (2008) and Mei-chan no Shitsuji (this year January to March) among others, he has garnered wide-ranging support from children to housewives. In last month's Oricon Style article 'Ikemens On Your Mind Ranking', he was voted first, beating the likes of Oguri Shun (26) and Eita (26). He topped the 'Favourite Actors Among High School Girls' too.

Ayaka, who debuted in 2006 with her song 'I believe' made history by being the first female singer-songwriter to enter the Oricon Charts in the top 3 on her debut. In the same year, she was presented with the Best New Artist Award. She has participated in NHK's Kouhaku 3 years consecutively. In 2007, her hit song 'Mikazuki' topped the 'Karaoke Request Ranking'. It was covered by Inoue Yousui (60) as well, a song that crosses over generations.

Shining as brightly as the 2 of them are, they dislike being loud in their personal lives. There are no gossip of them dating in popular spots or restaurants, their sightings are limited to frequent sightings of them shopping at supermarkets. Both busy with their careers, they spend their free time away from work at each other's homes, eating home-cooked meals. This seems to be a romance nurtured at home.

Deciding to get married at the height of their popularity, it is simply because these two have chosen their 'little piece of happiness'. "They look out for each other, they're an ideal couple together." They have been given the blessings by those around them.

Update : On the day that Sports Nippon broke the news about their relationship, Hiro and Ayaka held an emergency press conference to reveal that they are actually already married.












 一方の絢香は06年のデビュー曲「I believe」が女性シンガー・ソングライターのデビュー曲として史上初めてオリコンチャートのトップ3入りした歌姫。同年の日本レコード大賞で最優秀新人賞に輝き、NHK紅白歌合戦に3年連続で出場中。ヒット曲「三日月」は07年の年間カラオケリクエストランキングで1位になり、井上陽水(60)もカバーするなど、世代を超えて歌われている。



 ◆絢香(あやか)1987年(昭62)12月18日、大阪府生まれの21歳。高校2年時から楽曲製作を開始。デモテープがきっかけとなり、ワーナーミュージックと契約。05年に上京。06年1月に「I believe」でデビューし、オリコン初登場3位を記録。同年9月、4作目の「三日月」でオリコン1位を獲得。同年の日本有線大賞などを受賞。1メートル57。血液型O。

 ◆水嶋 ヒロ(みずしま・ひろ)1984年(昭59)4月13日、東京都生まれの24歳。慶大環境情報学部に進学後、モデルとして芸能活動開始。05年に日本テレビ「ごくせん」、07年にフジテレビ「花ざかりの君たちへ~イケメン♂パラダイス~」などのドラマに出演。5月23日スタートのTBSドラマ「MR・BRAIN」で木村拓哉と共演。1メートル80。血液型AB。
[ 2009年04月03日 ]

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On Friday, April 03, 2009 8:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...


I'm really happy for them ^^


On Friday, April 03, 2009 9:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Thank u for the translations! I will be reading your blog more often for updates! (^__^) Arigato ne!~


On Friday, April 03, 2009 10:34:00 PM, Anonymous Jodie wrote...

aww, that is really cute ^_^
congrats to them :)


On Friday, November 13, 2009 7:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Thank you soo much for the translation!! You're the best! :)


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