
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Aura #040108



こんばんは!!今日も1日お疲れ様でしたぁ(^-^)/今日はおばあちゃん家にいって…親戚一同で宴会場で新年会をやりました(^O^)/親戚の学生には…やっぱりお年玉をあげましたっ!!募金も少しだけコンビニにしました!!結果…両方をやりましたぁ (^-^)/新年からいい事をすると気持ちいいですね!!親戚の子がカッコ良く成長したり…、キレイに成長してるのを見て嬉しかったですっ!!みんな自分の道を突き進んでいるようで良かったです(^O^)/今日は一人で散歩がてらに…団子を買いに行ってきて食べました!!屋台の団子は変わらずの美味しさでしたぁ('-^*)/ひとりで五本も食べましたぁ!!

Dango (Dumpling)
Good evening!! Today too, thanks for everything (^-^)/ Today I went to my grandma's house.. all of our relatives were at the banquet hall and we had a New Year's party (^O^)/ Just as I thought... the relatives who were students received New Year's gifts. I only collected a little money then went to the convenience store !! So the result is, I received both (^-^)/ [geeknote : refer to previous entry] Starting from the New Year, do good things and feel good about it !! Each one of my relative's children to grow up well..., to watch them grow up beautifully, that will make me happy !! Everyone, I will push on and move forward on my own path well (^O^) / Today, I took a stroll to the temple... on my way back I bought and ate dango !! Dango from a food cart is deliciously different ('-^*)/ I ate five by myself !! Tomorrow's the last of life at my parent's house..., I'm returning to Tokyo (^-^)/ The day after tomorrow onwards, it's back to work !! I'll do my best, ne (^-^)/


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