
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Narimiya Hiroki Blog
Not Losing to the Wind or Rain

21st March 2010 23:47

was the final episode of
'Bloody Monday'

When I was going to work in the morning
I looked like I was in sleepwear
I had been out

On the way home to change clothes
I took an elevator with
a neighbour who lives on the same floor as me

Just before we arrived
"Today is the last episode ne"
was the comment made

Many people like it
'Bloody Monday'

It has ended

The end of filming
Thank you everyone

Being the character J
It's my treasure

On location for 'Yankee-kun to Megane-chan'

In the morning
There was terrible rain, wind and thunder
But it cleared up

Some things
Had been blown away

As expected
Will filming be possible today?

"Umm, it'll be difficult"
said the hair and make-up stylist

If filming is discontinued
There's no need to set the hair

Suddenly outside the window

Blown by the strong wind
It looked like a palm tree was gonna be uprooted at any moment

If I go out
My fate will be the same
as that tree


3 scenes had been taken
Miraculously one scene turned out good

Other than the shrinking hair
I had a good sleep [laugh]

was under a clear sky
While eating the catered food
I had a chat with the staff

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Curry was on the menu
The sauce was very spicy

This has been Narimiya.

24th March 2010 11:00
Popular Person

Good morning

Continuing into the 2nd day
Filming for YanMega

Because I have so many turns, in the midst of the scenes
I didn't know if I was still being filmed or not

Daichi was popular [laugh]

I had a slight cold
Wasn't feeling good

After a session of IV drip
This morning I felt totally fine

My body's that simple??

In the next studio
Izumi Pinko-san was filming
She passed by our studio
And had refreshments for us!

Croquette and minced beef cutlet



I ate them with everyone else


Thank you very much

What filming was about...

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You don't really get it it right [laugh]

I'm doing something that you would want to watch

This has been Narimiya.

[Narimiya Hiroki Blog & News Translation Archive]

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